We should be always aware of the energies that dominate … reality …. but also our own souls … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

 One of the most difficult things to accept about the human being is that … being dominated by a certain type of energy … we begin to dominate the scene of life … inducing probably the same vibes as the one from inside our souls.

We want things to happen into a certain way … almost as a must …. and dominating reality becomes an obsession.

Of course … we could also be in front of a person that tries to change the world … for being a better place …. but this is …. unfortunately… a very rarely case.

And i will not bother to tell you about … those cases.

Reality is somehow different.

I see everything … dominated by … nonsense.

I ask myself … for my own case … what if i should meditate more … and try to find out why i want to dominate everything around myself?

Is this a reflection of that weird energy that i’ve connected at … and dominates me by such a long time?!

Why everything …. became an obsession?!


Why this behavior … is so related with dominance?!

What really makes us act like that?!

Maybe it’s time to … simple stop … look in the mirror and analyze why we are dominated by obsession… and invest so much time and energy as things to happen into a certain way?!

The concept … that i am keep talking about … dominating and being dominated … makes sense.

At least …. to waste my time and talk about it.

To analyze it … as a need to understand the human being.

To define all …. with real honesty … as in the end to realize we need to redefine ourselves.

And stop … everything is related to … dominance.

Not allow … to be dominated … but also stop this silly desire of dominating everything around.

Understand the nonsense … and … make a change …

You see … life is short … and we should be aware … how we use this time here.

A little bit of wisdom … could be a nice idea into this scenario.

…. and probably our obsession should be to redefine … the nonsense … and nothing more.




 psychological games in relationships

Download the book ”Dominating and being dominated ... a way of wasting our lives – philosophical essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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